Hi There, Sausage Family. You ready for that big news? Without further ado...

SEOUL SAUSAGE is now available for national delivery on GOLDBELLY®.

Wait. Whaaaat?!? That’s right. We’ve partnered with Goldbelly®  to bring you ready-to-cook meal kits based on our most iconic and popular flavors without ever having to leave your home. Anywhere in the USA. 

Did you move out of LA and miss our sausage? Want to take your backyard BBQ to the next level? Crave Korean Fried Chicken but can’t get it anywhere near you? Ever wish you could have kimchi fried rice all packed into a delicious little fried ball? Well, Seoul Sausage Company on Goldbelly® is your answer.

Starting RIGHT THIS SECOND, you can click here to have Seoul Sausage brought to your home, office, campsite. Wherever you can get a UPS® delivery. 

Over the last year, as we converted into a catering-focused business, we would be hounded with the same question: Where are you located? Not having a physical location made us an extremely flexible operation but made this question hard to answer. Now with Goldbelly®, we are happy to say we are located wherever you are!


We are LIVE on Goldbelly®! Order now to enjoy Seoul Sausage without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home.

We’ve been working for a long time to make our offerings at a national scale. So, we are extremely excited to be able to take our food national through this partnership with Goldbelly®. Kalbi Sausage, Sweet and Spicy Chicken Sausage, Fried Rice Balls, and Korean Fried Chicken! We’re opening our virtual doors with some of our most popular dishes.

When Seoul Sausage started, we used to joke around about starting a sausage revolution. So what are you waiting for? Check out our menu on Goldbelly® and help us get the revolution started!

Make Sausage Not War,
The Sausage Boyz


